when i remember


When I remember.

Peter’s face as he hung upside down on a cross.

Feeling unworthy to die in the same way as Jesus.

He knew what it meant to count the cost.

When I remember. 

The wife and mother watching her husband and sons sink.

The Titanic, the unsinkable, gone. 

Every petty thing in the world didn’t matter anymore, as her heart sank in a blink. 

When I remember. 

Jewish children lining the brick wall.

Shots fired, little bodies collapsed. 

Evil men still standing tall. 

When I remember.

The last words of those calling their loved ones from the planes and inside the twin towers.

I cry hearing their voices every 9/11, in their voices I hear agonizing love and supernatural power.

When I remember. 

The beloved father drafted into war, with little chance of coming home.

The lone hurricane survivor, with no family to be found and nothing to call his own. 

When I remember. 

The genocide leaving thousands upon thousands of Rwandans dead.

The 21 Egyptian, Christian men who were executed by ISIS, through the cutting off of their heads.

When I remember. 

That people with ebony skin were once traded and sold like cattle.

The 40,000 plus men found dead or wounded in Gettysburg from battle.

When I remember. 

It doesn’t make me fall into the dark.

When I remember, it reminds me of what actually matters. 

It reminds me that I have a chance to make a mark.

When I remember.

It puts me in their place and my life flashes before my eyes.

When I remember.

My entire perspective suddenly shifts, to eternity my eyes rise. 

When I remember.

It makes me realize what suffering really is.

When I remember.

I am filled with courage.

When I remember.

I remember to live.


please lead me to the rock: a letter on singleness


i come